It's cherry time and I like them whole, but when they are too dark, I like them in a cake. Some clafoutis fanatic will advise to leave the pits because they give an almond flavor to the dish, but I hate to watch out for the pits while eating. And I don't want to bare the cost of one of my guest's tooth.
This recipe is so easy and so light. You can also substitute the fruits with raspberries, blueberries, abricot or peaches.
500g/1lbs cherries pitted
2tbsp for the cooking pan
100g/1cup flour
4 eggs
50g/¼ cup granulated sugar
1 pinch of salt
300ml/1¼ cup milk
1Tbsp of vanilla sugar (optional)
Preheat oven at 400F
Pitted the cherries and cut in half
Coat a baking pan with butter and flour or use a cast iron pan
Arrange the cherries on the bottom of the pan
Put all the ingredient in a blender and mix until smooth
Pour the mixture over the cherries and cook for 40 min
Sprinkle with powder sugar (optional: mix with vanilla sugar)